ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - sometimes called ADD is found in approximately 4% of adults. Some adults were diagnosed in childhood, and many adults remain undiagnosed. Some research suggests that only 20% of adults with ADHD are diagnosed and of those, only 25% of adults with ADHD/ADD seek help.
But, ADHD is a problem in childhood, right? We are all a little ADHD, aren't we?
We all might be forgetful or impulsive at times, but ADHD is a real disorder with real world consequences.
Adults with ADHD are more likely to:
- be under or unemployed
- have higher rates of accidents
- have lower incomes
- be divorced
- struggle with a co-existing disorder such as anxiety or depression.
- struggle with addictions and substance abuse - sometimes as a way of self-medicating ADHD symptoms.
Do you often...
__ Easily get distracted by irrelevant thoughts or outside stimuli?
__ Make decisions impulsively?
__ Have trouble doing things in their proper order or sequence?
__ Have difficulty organizing tasks and activities?
__ Fail to follow through on promises or commitments you make to others?
__ Start a project or task without reading or listening to directions carefully?
__ Have difficulty stopping activities or behavior when you should do so?
__ Drive much faster than others?
__ Have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or recreational activities?
If you checked off a majority of these symptoms - AND these symptoms are causing you difficulty or impairment in your life - it would be a good idea to get evaluated for ADHD. Having these symptoms don't mean that you have ADHD - it just means that you might benefit from an evaluation. (This checklist and more can be found in Russell Barkley's book Taking Charge of Adult ADHD.)
Check out the links below for more specific information related to ADHD in adults, ADHD relationships/marriage, ADHD in Women, and ADHD Treatment.
Symptoms and other information about Adult ADHD
Learn more about ADHD in women.
Information about how ADHD effects relationships
Get help for ADHD. Treatment for ADHD can help you learn to manage ADHD.
“I have seen too many people with ADHD prevail over their problems to ever believe it’s impossible. Everyone who has ADHD can sculpt a fulfilling, joyful life out of what they’ve been born with...Doing so starts in your head and in your heart; you need knowledge and you need hope.””
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